What is Poverty?
According to When Helping Hurts , humanity is based on relationships, and there are really only four types: to God, to self, to others, and to the rest of creation. Because of the fall of humanity, all four of these categories have been damaged, although not destroyed. Therefore, poverty is the effects of these broken relationships. In other words, every human on earth is impoverished in some aspect, although maybe not materialistically. For instance, many North American Christians are wealthy in a monetary sense, but they may be impoverished in their relationship to self, leading to pride or self-consciousness or impoverished in their relationship to others, leading to isolation, loneliness, or idolatry of friendships. In reality, every problem on earth can be traced to the brokenness of our relationships in these four categories. We form our culture out of this discord, and our culture forms us. Gender roles, oppressive hierarchies, bondage, and all other types of pain are a result o...